Create a Writer's Critique Group. Succeeded Together

How to Create a Successful Critique Group

A Group to Help Others Help You Help Them

Your critique group must have the foundation to support others in there writing ventures. Create a set of rules how team members will interact with each other in as safe and encouraging atmosphere. These rules or norms will form to create structure, that time will not be wasted at everyone sits around wondering what will happen next. Find a place to meet, a coffee shop, library or a fast food place you can sit in a corner without interruptions. Remember, everyone should get something positive in you new writer’s critique group.

“Critique groups can be a big leg-up for authors as far as polishing their work before either sending it out on submission or self-publishing it. If you haven’t found a critique group that works for you, consider creating one. I’ve got a few things to keep in mind when creating or looking for a critique group that might help you with getting some compatible folks in your group.” More…

Guidelines for Writing Critique Groups
“Provide constructive criticism in a supportive, compassionate manner. Writes invest a lot into their work, and it takes courage to read it in front of several peers, inviting their critique. They came to the meeting because they want to become better writers, so show them respect and give them honest help.”

“Things you should do when critiquing another writer’s works.

  • Don’t critique the writer. Your job in these meetings is to give constructive feedback on the writing.
  • Begin your evaluation with a few compliments. Find one or two things you liked. If something was especially good, mention it and explain why.
  • Give specific critique, not vague and general comments.
  • Be gentle in your comments.
  • Be supportive.
  • Even if the writing is terrible, find a few good points and mention them first.” More …

Remember, you group should be helpful and fun for everyone in you group. Each member will develop on their own, while interacting and making progress to their success. Also, everyone should understand the rules and guidelines, and norms that each member agrees to follow. Rules help your group succeeded towards their writing goals.

Tell everyone about your critique group. More…

Need more help to create a great story plot? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Make Characters More Believable

Characters Must Be Believable in Your Story

Who Are Your Characters?

How do you know your characters? Would you audience understand and believe in them? Hero or villain, they must be authentic and also written to be easy to follow. Ask your characters questions about themselves. Asking is an action that will get you thinking about their personalities, desires and goals.

“Character sketches are pretty similar to questionnaires, in that they involve asking questions, but they can also be a bit more fleshed out. Just like questionnaires, there are a bunch of worksheets to get you started sketching your characters, but you can also create your own system by considering the following:” More…

Create the characters’ routine to show their thoughts, goals and motives. This routine will either help or hinder the obstacles your characters must conquer to reach that goal.

“Creating believable characters can be accomplished by writing internal dialogue that shows the struggles going on inside. The reader is allowed into secret places that build understanding and often empathy even if they choose the wrong path. More…

One more thing, after you fill out those characteristic profiles for each character, put them together in a short story form. This brings life to your characters and is helpful while you write your story. You’ve seen them in action in your short story form. You know who they are and how they will move your story along.

All well and good. But how are you going to lead them past the first few pages while they make a snap judgment about your story? Again, it’s in the way you craft your words. Give your readers a clear view of your story, and you as an author, so they will know your story is well worth their time reading.

Need more help to make your characters more believable? More…

Don’t forget to edit your story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …


Brainstorming Your Ideas for a Successful Novel.

Brainstorming Ideas is Everything You Need to Write Your Story

Brainstorming to Your Novel’s Success

Brainstorming is one of my most useful writing tools. It helps me find my stories within the jumble of ideas. Disjointed ideas fly through my brain at random times, like when I’m in the shower or just about to fall asleep. When I brainstorm I ask important questions like: How should my story start? How should this scene end? What are my characters personalities? What would my antagonist say when the protagonist is down? How should I kill that character? Should there be a sex scene?

Basic Tips for Brainstorming Your Novel

“Brainstorming and pre-writing may not be for everyone, but it’s a part of the writing process that I love and swear by. In fact, playing around with an idea before I start writing is one of my favorite things to do. Nothing is wrong with my idea while I’m brainstorming; it’s shiny and new and I’m just having fun with it.” More…

A Fun Way to Brainstorm Story Ideas

“I think for most of us, ideas are pretty easy. They pop into our heads all the time, either as a general concept, or a fun character, or an interesting situation. What’s hard, is turning that idea into a workable conflict with a plot. That’s where the real work comes in.

Next time you’re stuck on what to do with your idea, or just need a way to generate an idea, turn to your favorite movies and books and “steal” what you love about them (and no, I’m not advocating plagiarism here, bear with me).” More… 

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your stories. More…

Need more help brainstorming your story? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site


Characters Physical Appearance

What do your characters’ appearance look like?

Physical features may explain your characters personality. If you plan to have your character as a roughhouse, put a scar on his face. That scar will have a story to tell. That scar is a back story for you to use throughout your novel.

What about your female characters? Is she shy? That’s because she may have a physical anomaly she’s ashamed of. What horror stories can she tell the torments from her days in public school? She may interact in a negative way to your other beautiful female characters. Her back story shows her emotional scars. Those emotional scars will dictate how she acts.

10 Tips for Writing Physical Descriptions of Your Characters

“Today Charis is wearing a sagging mauve cotton jersey dress, with a fuzzy grey cardigan over top and an orange-and-aqua scarf with a design of meadow flowers draped around her neck. Her long straight hair is grey-blonde and parted in the middle; she has her reading glasses stuck up on top of her head.” -The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood

“You don’t have to give all your description of a character when he or she first arrives on the scene. Instead, scatter brief descriptions throughout multiple scenes. No doubt many of your favorite writers do this.” More…

MASTER LIST of Physical Descriptions!

“Don’t rely too much on attractiveness or ugliness to make me as a reader like or dislike a character. If I’m reading a romance, for instance, it’s great if the hero is physically attractive, but I’m going to need him to be smart or kind or funny or something to get interested. And if you keep talking about how ugly the villain is, I’m going to start to think that you, the writer, might be a mean person, which makes me enjoy your story less.” More …

Need more help to create a great plot? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Fix Your Story

Fix Your Story

How to Fix Holes in Your Stories

We can learn how to analyze our manuscript and fix any problem yourself. These fixes are not just for grammar and punctuation alone but fixing your entire story and story structure. Sure, a content editor will help you with that, but the editor would spend more of your money and scribble more red lines you could scribble yourself. Focus on these fixes and your story will come out much better.

“A plot hole is a gap or inconsistency in the story that creates a contradiction that can’t be reconciled by any explanation. Plot holes include illogical events and statements as well as events that contradict earlier events in the story. Plot holes are usually seen as flaws in a story and authors should avoid them to make their stories as realistic as possible. However, if you want to create suspension of disbelief (common in some genres like fantasy and horror among others) plot holes are more acceptable.” More…

Why Your Story Conflict Isn’t Working (And How to Fix It)

“Like many writers, I’ve spent countless hours creating conflict in my novels. I’ve thrown exciting obstacles in my protagonists paths, I’ve developed sinister antagonists to thwart my heroes, I’ve devised cruel ways to put my characters through mental anguish — and my beta readers still told me, “This book needs more conflict.”

Because despite what we “know” about conflict as writers, the concept isn’t so cut and dry. It’s not just about the obstacles in the path, or the bad guy with the evil plan, or the mental anguish of the hero. It’s not the plot or the character arc, even though we often talk about it like it is. It’s a tapestry woven from multiple aspects of writing that work together to create a feeling that victory will not come easily to the characters, and it leaves readers dying to know what the protagonist is going to do about it.” More…

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your stories. More…

Need more help to fix your story? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

What Kind of an Evil Villian Suit Your Story

What Kind of an Evil Villain Will Suit Your Story

3 Ways to Create a Compelling Villain for Your Next Story

“Whether you’re writing a novel, novella, short story or a work of flash fiction, sometimes you need an eye-watering source of evil to spice things up. Something that provokes feelings of disgust, fear, unrest or something that people love to loathe.”  That’s where your villain comes in. More…

How to Create a Kickass Villain

“Creating a powerful and kickass villain is one of the best parts of writing a novel. Not only are they fun to write, give your hero the boost of admiration they deserve, and drive the plot forward, they are also representations of the writer and the reader, and how not everyone walks down the right path.

Villains are perceived to be purely evil corruptions of the world and all that is good. They are the hero’s opposite in almost every way. However, there is more to a villain than just the twisty dark parts.” More…

How to Make a Great Villain

To make sure you don’t choose the wrong evil traits for your character, sit down in a comfy seat with the outline of your plot or your draft so far and consider the kind of antagonist that will slip into your story seamlessly. More…

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your stories. More…

Need more help to fix your story to hook in your readers? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Join a Writer's Critique Group

Join a Writing Critique Group

Learn from Other Writers in Writing Critique Groups

Want to know if you’re on the right track in your story. Wouldn’t it be great to get someone else’s opinion on your work? When you allow other writers to look over your story you will get honest opinions from other writers. They will point out things you missed and ideas to help you get back on track. How about joining a critique group?

“After hearing stories from countless writers about advice they’ve been given, critique groups seem also to fall into four basic categories: the “any excuse not to write” group (which at least gets you out of the house and among people, but has no effect on your writing one way over the other), the “just make you feel good” group (which will bolster your spirits and avoid hurting your feelings, but prevent you from doing the hard work of facing your weaknesses and improving your craft); and the “I don’t know much about story but I love to criticize” group (which is filled with people who want to stroke their own egos by giving lots of advice and suggesting all sorts of changes that are neither well founded nor consistent with your vision for your own story).” More…

What Happens in a Writer’s Critique Group

Getting feedback on your writing is a powerful tool for improving the quality of your work. At this meetup, we will discuss the following aspects of the critique process. More…

Another benefit to belonging to a critique group is that you will learn much more about writing, style, format and grammar from reading and critiquing other writer’s work. When you see some things that are not right about their work you may realize that you may making the same mistake. Gaining new friends in the writing world will help you keep on track when you write your story.

Need more help to create a great story plot? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Be careful when you self-publish your ebook

How to Publish Your Own Ebook

Be careful when you self-publish your ebook. Yes, this way can get you your audience, but there is still much work to get your audience. This path is cheaper than traditional publishing, but there is no guarantee of success. You need to put extra effort to get your e-book in your readers e-reader. Do not get discouraged, just prepare to work.

“If you’re looking for help creating convincing characters, bleeding words onto the page, and editing your work, then you’ll need a different set of instructions: We’re not going to cover the whole process of writing a book from scratch. Instead, let’s assume you’ve already written your masterpiece and put it in a digital text-based format like Microsoft Word. Once you’ve reached that point, here are the next steps you need to take to send your literary baby out into the world.

Choose your platform
Your first step is to decide where you want your ebook to live. If you just want to share your brainchild with family and friends, you might opt for a simple file-sharing program. For something more professional, you can choose to publish your ebook on a variety of different platforms, reaching a potential audience of millions. Here are a few of your options.” More…

Search for Examples of Ebook Creators
“Simply make eBooks in Kindle and Epub formats: publish on any eBook distribution website, including Apple iBooks, Amazons Kindle, Google Play, iBooks, Kobo and more. Your readers can use iPads, Kindles, Android tables, Macs, Phones and PCs. You can also make PDFs perfect for sending to print-on demand services.

Buying an eBook is not serious as it looks, though writing, editing and formatting itself can take time. If you finally working to self publish your eBooks in various formats and searching for free eBook publishing program, then you may have dissatisfaction seeing the outcomes.” More…

EPublishing is still a viable option. Don’t get discouraged if you send you work out to Amazon or B&N and don’t see the dollars rolling in. Get the word out about your story to your readers. Use social media to let everyone know you’ve published. Keep working, keep broadcasting.

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your stories. More…

Need more help to create a great story plot? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Getting Your Readers Hooked with Your First Pages

Get Your Readers Hooked on the Next Sentence

Getting Your Readers Hooked with Your First Pages

Immediately put your story context in your readers’ mind. Paint the picture to start your story and how that picture effects the characters, then get your readers hooked as you move the story along beyond the opening scene. Will your readers become fascinated in the beginning or walk away and put your book down? Get your readers hooked after the first few pages and move on.

Start With The Senses

“Some stories grab hold of us and just don’t let go. We laugh and cry and our palms get sweaty and we feel as if we’re living these stories. These are the ones that become our favorites. Sometimes we don’t like the endings. They may even make us angry, but we still end up loving them anyway. More…

What Makes These Stories So Lovable?

“They put us right in the thick of the story. We feel like we’re living these stories because the author has taken steps to make sure we’re fully captivated. We forget that it’s words on a page that another human being has written. We forget that hundreds of other people could be reading the story at that very moment. It’s our story. Just us and the characters and their world.
We’re all in. More…

Now, your readers are past your initial creative process of your characters. We then take your characters, dressed them up to be worth knowing and caring for. Show your characters worthiness and shove them up to your readers so they can judge if their story is worth pursuing.

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your stories. More…

Need more help to fix your story to hook in your readers? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Great Plots Makes Great Story?

Create Great Plots

Great Plots Makes Great Stories

For authors, filmmakers and screenwriters, here is on one of the most popular questions. What makes a good story? More…

How to Write a Great Short Story – The 8-Point Story Arc
Like in novels, the story arc is important. Also creating a good plot is easy to learn. More…


10 Tips to Immediately Create GREAT PLOTS

“Knowing what to write where in a story with a plot allows for a more loving relationship with your writing. Whether writing a first draft or revising, if you falter wondering what comes next in a story with a plot,” More…

A great plot will help you to create a good story and you use the steps to resolve intentions and barriers . This is your plot. Your character must want or need something. These are the intentions. And there are preventions from getting what they want. These are the barriers. Once your character figures out how to get what they want, this is the plot of your story. Remember, outlining your plot in advance won’t limit your creativity, but rather ensures a good plot—one that doesn’t stray too far off topic.

Tell everyone about your writing process. More…

Need more help to create a great story plot? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site