What drives your story, character or plot

What Drives Your Story

Character-Driven or Plot-Driven – What Drives Story

Will your character enlist others to join in the quest? Together all characters will share the same desire. The greater the goal the more your characters drives themselves through their five senses. The more they express, the more they will stay focused on their goals. Throughout the journey your character will begin the transformation. Your character will become a better (or worse) person.

“What are character- and plot-driven stories?

Let’s start with two quick definitions:

  • A Character-Driven Story features an exploration of the protagonist’s internal development over the course of a story arc.
  • A Plot-Driven Story features a sequence of events in which the protagonist fights to attain a goal over the course of a story arc.

But character- and plot-driven stories can’t be fully explained in just a single definition. Why? Because no matter which type of story you’re writing, it still will contain both character and plot arcs. More…

The story begins with a conflict. Don’t start a story with the back story, a dream and too much narration. Put in a conflict. The characters will move towards the goal. The back story should become a part of the main plot and written throughout your story. You need just enough back story to tell to show why this character is the way he is. Readers want just enough back stories to understand your character and read on.

Tell everyone about your stories. Show them where they can buy your novel. Lure them in. More…

Need more help brainstorm the character traits in your story? More…

Don’t forget to edit your colorful character’s story. Do you use too many adverbs? Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Character Driven Story

How to Write a Character-Driven Plot

Focus on Your Character’s Driven Struggles

“Focusing on a character’s driven struggle to obtain their desire will give you a more organic story. On its face, the first season of True Detective didn’t have many elements that really separated it from the typical buddy cop story. Two cops, riding around in a car, sometimes disagreeing and hunting down a mysterious serial killer certainly doesn’t qualify as re-inventing the game. So why exactly is the series so memorable?

In Daniel Netzel’s latest video essay for Film Radar, he argues that it’s the excellent character development which makes the season feel so fresh. It serves as a masterclass on how to write complex characters.” More…

How to Write a Character-Driven Plot in 4 Steps

“Literary fiction writers tend to avoid plot. We’re trained to be plot snobs, focused only on character development and description and point-of-view, amongst other things. But your story can’t be plotless. Plot is tension, plot is drama, plot IS story.

What makes this element even harder is that in most of the literary fiction novels we love, the plot seems invisible. As readers, we DO focus on the characters and how they change over the course of the novel. Their motivations and fears and desires are so strong that we ignore the events that are pushing them toward and away from their goals. We focus on their evolution and forget about plot completely.” More…

Tell everyone about your stories. Show them where they can buy your novel. Lure them in. More…

Need more help brainstorm the character traits in your story? More…

Don’t forget to edit your colorful character’s story. Do you use too many adverbs? Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Which way to publish

Should You Publish Traditional or ePublish

Why you shouldn’t just sell on Amazon or B&N

After your journey to plot, draft, edit and finish your story, now is the time to consider what direction to publish your novel. EPublish? Publish traditionally? After all, the idea is to get your accomplished work out to the public, for your audience to enjoy your story. Let’s consider all options.

“When making wise decisions, you first need to know the facts. While many self-published authors take the easy road, selling solely on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and or through retailers who have deals worked out with their printer, this isn’t always the best decision.

If you look at commerce as a whole, those who sell on multiple channels have 91% greater customer retention than those with a single platform for processing orders. The more sales channels you open, the higher your odds of building a solid fanbase.

But, you can’t just offer your book on a million different websites without a robust sales “platform.” You need a plan that automates and integrates multiple fulfilment channels and makes it easy to keep track of your inventory, orders, and delivery. It shouldn’t matter where your orders come from. Here is some advice to streamline your operations.” More…

Is EPublishing  A Good Idea?

“Want to grow your audience? Have a message you know you should share with the world? If you’re a blogger, writer, and/or an entrepreneur, you might be thinking about self-publishing a book.

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you. But it’s a powerful extension of your message about your book or your writer’s journey blog.” More…

Tell everyone about your critique group. More…

Need more help to create a great story plot? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Can anyone write a story? Writers show their creative minds as they write.

Do You Have a Story in Your Mind to Put in Print

Not Sure Where to Begin Your Story

Do you have a desire to write your story? What do you need to know to write fiction? Can anyone write a story? Writers show their creative minds as they write. All you need to do is reach into your imagination and pull out the story that dwells there. Don’t wait. Create what you have now.

Every author has spent hours perfecting the craft. Successful authors persist even though the entire story is not complete in their minds. Be persistent and the rest of the story will come to you. And you will learn how to be a proficient writer along the way. You pick up things and become talented as time goes on. You’ll get your story down on paper and you’ll become an experienced writer.

Begin Your Story

“Where a story begins is equally as important as where it ends. Often writers of fiction will write the end of the story first; doing so establishes a clear finish line to cross, and the journey to get there can now begin. It’s no small task for a writer to bring a story full circle, and there are no accidents when it comes to making this happen. A writer’s meticulous consideration of every word, phrase, and action is crucial to the story, and getting the beginning of a novel right is a fundamental part of getting an audience (and the writer) through to the end.” More…

“Often novels open with narrators recalling memories that are core to the plot. This is especially common in novels where a single, unforgettable event casts its shadow over the rest of the book (e.g. the murder in a murder mystery).

Framing an event in your story through a character’s memory gives it weight. When you begin your novel with your main character remembering an earlier scene, it’s thus important to choose the right scene.” More…

The best way to start is to just write, write and keep writing. Pick up a pencil or pen and write. It’s as simple as that. We’ll go on this journey together and get your story written.

Tell everyone about your stories. Show them where they can buy your novel. Lure them in. More…

Need more help brainstorm the character traits in your story? More…

Don’t forget to edit your colorful character’s story. Do you use too many adverbs? Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Is it really important to make your story compelling?

Make Your Story Compelling

Is it really important to make your story compelling?


Example of a compelling story: The Missing Jackal Mystery – The Cora Chronicles – Upon arrival in 1926 London, two ruffians run off with hers and Archie’s two identical cases. From the docks Cora and Archie run off on a mad chase through the streets of London to catch them. They return, without their cases, to find Archie’s assistant, Brandon murdered.

What makes Cora and Archie compelled to look for their suitcases? What kind of trouble could they get into while they search for the rag-a-muffin thieves? And what does Brandon have to do with this? Stay tuned as we watch the story unfold as the two get in and out of danger. Stay compelling.

21 Tips for Creating a Compelling Short Story

“Your main character should be multi-dimensional and at least somewhat sympathetic, so readers can relate to him and start bonding with him right away. And give him a human side, with some inner conflict and vulnerability, so readers care about him and start worrying about him immediately. A worried reader is an engaged reader. Remember that readers need to care about your character before they’ll start caring what happens to him.” More…

How can I write compelling stories?

“Always make your end intriguing. As I said, try to find an alternative. While writing suspense, always show reader only one side of the coin. Then when the reader reaches the end, make him/her drop his/her jaw. There are various ways to do that.” More…

5 Elements for Crafting a Compelling Story Your Audience Will Love

“So, try to deliver your message to one person, keep it simple and be generous. This is your opportunity to personalize your story and have people locked in from start to finish. But is connecting enough? What good is building rapport and evoking emotion in your readers if it doesn’t inspire them to take action? You need to leverage this connection by narrowing in on an obstacle your readers hold close to their heart—which leads us to the second element of crafting a compelling story.” More…

Search your past. We all have compelling stories to visit in our own history. But then, if we do not tell these stories their compelling nature diminish if they don’t come out. Pull them out of your mind and understand what makes a compelling story. Use what you know and weave your new story to to show your characters and plot in living color. And as another compelling story occurs to you, or as you find yourself with pen and paper, the that intriguing story spill from your imagination. Tell your tale, ask yourself if the story will provide interest to your audience. Compelling stories, it’s what you readers want.

Need more help to make your characters more believable? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start on your new novel.

Start on Your Novel

How to Start Writing a Novel When You Don’t Know What to Do

You may brainstorm if you want to start your novel, or until your brain hurts. If you wish, you could time yourself for each creativity session. Since you were away from your other responsibilities, you may need to return to them. Write your ideas as they come to you.

Keep those pesky voices of the past like elementary school teachers who told you how wrong your grammar and spelling inaccuracies. Those things are not important while you brainstorm. Any and every idea that comes to your mind is worth jotting down. Remember, these new creative thoughts and words may not make sense while you brainstorm. Any written thoughts may produce results you’re looking for, but offer more ideas for your characters, scenes and/or plot.

“After deciding what my story was going to be about (an uncool teenager, who is new to town and becomes friends with the popular crowd, is forced to decide if being cool is all it’s cracked up to be), I then had to pick a genre.

I think this makes sense to do after you decide your story idea. Unless you’re dead-set on writing a mystery or a horror novel, I think you need to begin with the story itself, then figure out what genre is most suitable for it. There may be some exceptions to this, but for me, it worked best in this order.” More…

How to write a novel this year

“Before I begin, I talk to Frances Booth (a colleague, no relation), author of A Writer For All Seasons: Beat Blocks, Face Your Fears And Keep Writing. Apparently, I’m tackling it all wrong. Instead of looking for empty stretches, she says, I need to find regular short spells of time: “Start by finding 10 or 15 minutes, and once you get going, you’ll find a bit more. Even if that day arrives when your diary is clear of every other obligation, if you’re not already writing, you’ll just fill the time with something else.” More…

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your stories. More…

Need more help to fix your story to hook in your readers? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Publish Traditional or ePublish

Should You Publish Traditional or ePublish

Why you shouldn’t just publish on Amazon or B&N

After your journey to plot, draft, edit and finish your story, now is the time to consider what direction to publish your novel. EPublish? Publish traditionally? After all, the idea is to get your accomplished work out to the public, for your audience to enjoy your story. Let’s consider all options.

“When making wise decisions, you first need to know the facts. While many self-published authors take the easy road, selling solely on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and or through retailers who have deals worked out with their printer, this isn’t always the best decision.

If you look at commerce as a whole, those who sell on multiple channels have 91% greater customer retention than those with a single platform for processing orders. The more sales channels you open, the higher your odds of building a solid fanbase.

But, you can’t just offer your book on a million different websites without a robust sales “platform.” You need a plan that automates and integrates multiple fulfilment channels and makes it easy to keep track of your inventory, orders, and delivery. It shouldn’t matter where your orders come from. Here is some advice to streamline your operations.” More…

Is EPublishing A Good Idea?
Want to grow your audience? Have a message you know you should share with the world? If you’re a blogger, writer, and/or an entrepreneur, you might be thinking about self-publishing a book.

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your critique group. More…

Need more help to create a great story plot? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site

Hook Your Readers Into Your Story

Hook Your Readers In

Your Characters Should Hook Your Readers to Your Story

How are you going to hook your readers into your story after reading the first few pages? The reader is more interested in the way you lay down your story, to keep them reading. There is not enough time to go through your entire plot in such a small allotted time. You must sharpen your writing skills by creating a great opening line that describes either the character’s situation or the setting that effects your character. This is to get your reader to read the next sentence and the next sentence… Now, let’s get them on to the next page.

7 Steps to Creating a Compelling Story

“First, it starts with a trigger, something that causes an initial connection between the customer and with your brand. This “trigger” creates a projection of your company narrative which in turn creates a “memory” for your customer. At this point, you’ll either induce some sort of good feeling for your customer, or they’ll forget about you. People don’t remember what you told them, they remember how you made them feel. If you can’t make your customer feel strongly about your brand it’s highly unlikely they will remember you and move on.” More…

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your stories. More…

Need more help to fix your story to hook in your readers? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site


Press the edge of your characters' boundaries. Make them edgy

How to Make Your Stories More Edgy

Are your characters flat, boring and not help move your story along? Make their personality edgy. Let their inner demon come out and show who they really are. After all, nobody’s prefect, neither should your characters be perfect. Show their inner personality and put a bit of edge in how they interact with your other characters.

3 Edgy Little Tips to Make Your Story More Compelling

  • Give your hero an interesting career.
  • Give your hero a distracting personal relationship.
  • Give your antagonist a noble goal.

“The key here is to make what they do interesting.  Something that says volumes about who they are, where they’ve come from, and how it defines their world view and current state of mind.  This aligns with the vicarious-reading-experience law of literary physics, versus making the hero’s job as mundane and vanilla as the reader’s.” More…

10 Easy Ways to Make Your Writing Edgy and Quirky

  • Push the boundaries
  • Add a bizarre twist in your writing
  • Dig up the gems

“Edgy tends to mean a hint of the transgressive or dangerous but nothing explicit — while quirky tends to mean something like ‘idiosyncratic and fun’. That’s my take on it anyway… Edgy is a bit of a cliché these days. Provocative is probably a good thought. Also humor of some kind.” – veinglory on AbsoluteWrite. More…

All well and good. But how are you going to lead them past the first few pages while they make a snap judgment about your story? Again, it’s in the way you craft your words. Who do you know in your personal or professional life has an edgy or quirky personality? Study them, uses what you’ve found. Putting edge to your characters will bring them to life and seem more real and – life-like.

Need more help on how to make your characters more edgy? More…

Write your character's five 5 senses

Write Through Your Character’s Senses

How to Use All Five Senses When Writing Your Novel

Don’t assume your readers will see what you see. Use the five senses in your stories. See the color, write the color. Hear the sounds, write the sounds. If possible, smells and tastes will add a greater dimension to your story and put the readers deep into your scenes. If you don’t use the five senses in your writing what you see (and sense) you will lose your readers.

“A big part of writing a romance novel that sells—and captivates readers—is creating a world that’s immersive, personal, and thoroughly believable. But it’s easy to rely on phrases that tell the reader about the characters’ romantic relationships instead of choosing language that lets them feel every heart-stopping, pulse-pounding, stomach-fluttering moment of falling in love. So how to write a romance that’s unique, and never cliché? Go deep into the character’s sensory experience.” More…

“Where am I? Who are you? What’s going on?” If you do not answer these three questions directly or by foreshadowed at your hook or in the first chapter, the conversation (next set of words) becomes blurred. You go on talking, but your readers are not listening. They may become confused. He asks again. Will you tell him? Do you want to keep your readers confused? More…

A book in itself is unlikely to make or break you, but it is a powerful extension of your business or blog. More…

Tell everyone about your stories. More…

Need more help to fix your character’s 5 senses to hook in your readers? More…

Don’t forget to edit your character’s story. Are you using the right words to describe them? More …

Start Writing Now – This book is for the dreamers who say one day they will write their stories and become a writer. Then they forget their dreams of writing. But they can write now – write those stories now. I mean right now.

How Not To Write A One Star Novel – Do you want to create a five star novel? Learn from other writers’ mistakes and prevent yourself from receiving any one star reviews for you hard work. Here is your free e-book.

R. M. Scott Author Site